The goal of this study is to create a measure of cultural stress. We hope to learn about cultural stressors from Hispanic youth in Los Angeles and Miami. The information we collect will help explain how cultural stressors can predict alcohol, drug use and other risky behaviors.
Why conduct this study?
Hispanic youth face the challenge of keeping their cultural heritage and/or adopting a new culture. This challenge and the increasingly anti-Hispanic attitudes in the United States have created a stressful environment for Hispanic immigrants. It is important to understand the impact of cultural stressors on Hispanic youth so we can learn how to intervene and target those stressors.
What do we plan to do?
We will survey 10th graders from English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, beginner English classes, and other classes. All information will be kept safe and confidential. We won’t reveal information about your child’s specific answers to you or the school or the government. We will never include your child’s name when reporting our findings.