The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of cultural and life stressors on the mental health and health behaviors among Hispanic adolescents Los Angeles County. This study will identify protective mechanisms that could offset the effects of these stressors.
Why conduct this study?
Despite being the largest ethnic minority group in the United States, we know little about the unique stressors and uncertainties the Latinx/Hispanic community faces and how these increasing uncertainties affect their mental and health behaviors. Latinx/Hispanic families are resilient despite these challenges and uncertainties, ranging from racism and hate crimes to constantly changing restrictive policies surrounding immigration and deportation.
What do we plan to do?
We are inviting youth and young adults ages 12-20 to participate in our 2-year long study. Students will be asked to complete an online survey twice per year for two years. We will compensate participants $20 for completing each survey. All information will be kept safe and confidential. We won’t reveal information about your specific answers to you or the school or the government. We will never include your name when reporting our findings.
Are you a current participant or interested in participating?
Click here for more information and instructions for data collection!